Enrico Ducrot is born in Rome in 1965, into a family of passionate and seasoned travelers. Travelling has always been in his blood. By the time Enrico was fifteen, he had already completed two extensive trips to the Orient, taking in Central Asia Afghanistan, Kashmir, and Ladakh. Thereafter he crossed the Middle Este several times, travelling through it by car, by motorcycle and even once by cicycle! While studying for his degree in Near Eastern Archeology and History of Art at University of Rome, Enrico went three times to Ebla (Syria) to dig with Prof. Matthiae, he worked on excavated sites in Jordan and was awarded a scholarship to study Turkish Literature.  Since 1991, Enrico has been working for the tour operator “Viaggi dell’ Elefante” as “destination discoverer” of which he is now CEO. As such he has travelled to the Middle East, Central Asia, the Far East and South America. On his honeymoon, he visited Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. In 2001 Enrico helped set up a camp in Baja California park for which he received the Enviromental Recognition Award at World Travel Market 2003. Here he approaches for the first time the theme of ecotourism, which led him to realize in 2005 the project Ecoluxury, a production process that combines sustainable economy with the highest quality standards, as opposed to mass tourism products based on obsolete and unsustainable models. Traveling around the world, he realizes that elite tourism is often more sensitive and quicker to perceive new needs and to renew itself, and he understands that the Ecoluxury project can be the laboratory and driving force behind a new sustainable model of tourism. Enrico is a professor of Archeology and Tourism, lecturing at the University of Lucca and IULM in Milan. He owns one of the largest antique travel books collection in Italy and has created the Biblioteca del Viaggiatore, a virtual collection of over 10,000 books related to the theme of travel. He continues providing know-how and organizational support to niche projects with high cultural content such as I Parchi Letterari, a network for the promotion of Italian territories linked to writers and intellectuals. Investing in local Ecoluxury developments is a passion for Enrico and has his eye on future development opportunities. Passions matured in entrepreneurial activities where the philanthropic component is increasingly present. He sponsored the development of Grotte della Civita in Sassi di Matera, a UNESCO heritage site in Italy and he is currently committed to giving back to the city of Rome an extraordinary archaeological site that testifies the influence of Egyptian culture on ancient Rome. During the renovation of one of his buildings in the heart of Rome has brought to light the Arch of Camigliano, the entrance arch of the Iseum Campense, an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Isis and Serapis of the first century AD. At the end of the renovation works the archaeological site will be opened to the public, while the rest of the building will become the new seat of the Spazio Ducrot, a place where to meet, involve and transmit the various forms of travel to tourism enthusiasts. Every year Giordano and Luce, his sons, during their travels guide Enrico towards new ways of seeing and visiting the world, with the eyes of future generations.

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