Rating Tents


It expresses the attestation of sustainability that is recognized to Retreats Partners who pass the selection process. It reflects the percentage of requirements met by the Ecoluxury Best Practice Criteria and the contribution it makes to the 17 Sustainable Development Objectives of Agenda 2030.


1 rating tent

Requirements met up to 40%: the Retrat is attentive to the environmental impact of its activity and the recovery of cultural heritage. It supports communities but does not promote particular projects or policies.

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Requirements met between 41 and 75%: the Retreat controls and significantly reduces its environmental impact and takes innovative measures. It actively contributes to the protection of cultural heritage and local socio-economic development with initiatives to support communities.
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Requirements met more than 76%: the Retreat  employs sustainable practices in all areas of its business. It contributes significantly to the socio-economic development of the place where it operates and implements important projects for the conservation of its natural or cultural heritage. It adopts social responsibility policies and promotes initiatives in support of its community.
1 rating tent1 rating tent1 rating tent1 rating tent 4 RATING TENTS
A fourth tent is assigned to the Retreat that in addition to met the 3 tent level requirements, is in possession of a certification of sustainable tourism issued by an accredited organization.


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