Cookie policy

This website, certain information relating to navigation on your computer terminal may be stored in files called ‘Cookies’ installed on your device, subject to the choices you have expressed regarding Cookies, which you can change at any time.

A Cookie is a small text file which is stored in a dedicated area of your computer’s hard drive when you consult an online service through your browser. It allows the sender to identify the terminal wherein it is stored, for the duration of the Cookie’s validity or registration.

Cookies from partner companies (third-party Cookies) can be placed on your computer via the pages of our website or via the content broadcast within our advertising space. This space contributes to funding the content and services we offer you. Only the issuer of a Cookie is liable to read or modify the information contained therein.


The Cookies that we issue are used for the purposes described below, during the period of validity of the Cookie in question, subject to your choices resulting from the settings of your browser software when you visit our website, which you can change at any time.

The Cookies we issue allow us to:

  • Adapt the presentation of our Website, spaces and advertising content to your device’s display preferences (language used, screen resolution, operating system used, etc.), as appropriate, depending on the location data sent by your device with your prior permission, as well as your personal data;
  • Store information about the forms completed on our Website or about products, services or information chosen via our Website; manage and secure access to restricted and personal spaces;
  • Establish statistics and volumes related to our Website traffic and the use of its various components (sections and content consulted) in order to enhance the value and usability of our services;
  • Account for the total number of advertisements posted by us on our advertising spaces, identify these advertisements, their number of views, number of clicks and, if necessary, subsequent actions taken by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the amounts payable to those involved in the advertisement circulation chain and compile statistics;


The issue and use of Cookies by third parties are subject to these third parties’ privacy policies. We will inform you of the purpose of the Cookies of which we are aware and the means available for you to make choices regarding these Cookies.

(a) Social networks

We may include third-party IT applications on our website which allow you to share content from our website with others or to inform them of your inquiry or opinion regarding our website content. This is true, in particular, of the ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ buttons from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The social network providing these application buttons may identify you using these buttons, even if you do not use them when you visit our website. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network in question to track your navigation on our website if your account on this social network is enabled on your terminal (open session) at the time you visit our website.

We have no control over the processes used by social networks to collect information about your navigation on our website and linked to the personal data at their disposal. We invite you to consult these social networks’ privacy policies to make yourself aware of the purpose of using the navigation information they may collect through these application buttons, including for advertising. In particular, these protection policies should enable you to exercise your choices on these social networks, particularly through setting your user account parameters on each of these networks.

(b) Third party content disseminated through our advertising spaces

Advertising content (graphics, animations, videos, etc.) disseminated through our advertising spaces may contain Cookies issued by third parties which may, during the validity of the Cookies, allow for: 
- The number of visits to our website and /or the advertising content displayed on our advertising spaces to be counted, in particular for statistical and/or billing purposes.

(c) Targeted advertising Cookies issued by third parties

Our websites may contain cookies issued by third parties (advertising agencies, audience measurement companies, targeted advertising providers, etc.) allowing them, during the period of validity of such cookies, to: 
- Collect navigation information relating to the terminals connecting to our websites; 
- Determine advertising content likely to correspond to the centers of interest identified in relation to prior navigation via the terminal in question.

To ensure that you are fully informed, we specify that the issuing of these cookies and the collection of this data do not allow our partners to identify you personally. Your first name, surname, username, postal address, email address and password are not, in any case, communicated to third parties without your prior and explicit consent.

Third parties may use these cookies and match them with info they possess. To know more about third parties’ policies, you can check the following links:

Google Analytics privacy policy cookie

Facebook privacy policy cookie

Facebook Pixel privacy policy cookie

Google Adwords privacy policy cookie



Several options are available to you for managing Cookies. Any settings you modify are likely to change your Internet browsing and your conditions for accessing certain services requiring the use of Cookies.

You can choose, at any time, to express and modify your wishes regarding Cookies, through the means described below.

The choices you are offered by your browser

You can configure your browser so that Cookies are stored on your device or, on the contrary, rejected, either systematically or depending on their issuer. You can also set your browser so that you will be offered the choice of whether to accept or reject Cookies each time a Cookie is liable to be stored on your device. For more information, see the section on ‘How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use’.

(a) Agreeing on Cookies

Registering a Cookie in a terminal essentially depends upon the desires of the terminal user, which can be expressed or modified at any time, free of charge, through the choices offered by the browser. If, through your browser, you accepted the registration of Cookies in your terminal, the Cookies integrated in the pages and content you view can be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on your device. They will be readable only by their issuer.

(b) Refusing Cookies

If you refuse to accept Cookies in your device, or if you remove the Cookies registered, you will no longer be able to benefit from a number of features which are nevertheless required to navigate some areas of our website. This will be the case if you try to access our content or services requiring login. This will also be the case when we - or our service providers - are no longer able to recognise, for the purpose of technical compatibility, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings, or the country from which your terminal appears to have connected to the Internet.

In such cases, we disclaim any responsibility for the consequences of any degradation in the operation of our services due to our inability to record or consult the Cookies necessary for this operation which you have refused or deleted.

(c) How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use

The configuration of each browser, for the purpose of Cookie management and your choices, is different. This is described in the help menu of your browser, which allows you to find out how to change your requirements regarding Cookies.,,,,, etc.

Your choices made online via inter-professional platforms

You can log into the ‘Youronlinechoices’ website, proposed by digital advertising professionals coming together within the European Association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.

This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and constitutes a centralised interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of cookies which may be used to adapt the advertisements liable to be displayed on your terminal to your browsing information. Note that this procedure does not prevent the displaying of advertisements on the websites you visit. It will only block the technology which allows the advertisements to be adapted to your centres of interest.

Adobe Flash Player’s™ ‘Flash’ Cookies

Adobe Flash Player™ is a computer application that allows for the rapid development of dynamic content using the computer language ‘Flash’. Flash (and similar applications) memorises the settings, preferences and use of this content through technology similar to cookies. However, Adobe Flash Player™ handles this information and your choices via a different interface from the one provided by your browser. website.


If we envisage obtaining navigation information related to your terminal from a third party, which we could combine with the personal data you provided, we will ask for your explicit prior consent before proceeding with such an association and sending you any resulting advertisements or surveys.

In such cases, your explicit consent would be given via a Cookie information banner warning you that ‘By continuing to browse this website, you accept the use of cookies to provide services and offers tailored to your interests.’.


Browsing the internet with anonymous cooking or without using them, is possible by using the anonymous browsing mode provided by all major internet browsers.

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