Sextantio Santo Stefano di Sessanio

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Santo Stefano di Sessanio is a “albergo diffuso" among the mountains in Abruzzo, literally " a spread out hotel”, an italian concept  to bring back to life small abandoned villages and turned them into hotels. It is the result of a cultural heritage project aimed to preserve the integrity of the historic village and the surrounding landscape, through specific agreements with local authorities and an ethnographic research created in collaboration with the Museum of the People of Abruzzo. The final objective is the preservation of the original aesthetic appearance, which has led to the use of recycled architectural materials and poor furnishings with indigenous objects, typical of the Abruzzo mountains. The “albergo diffuse” consists of 30 accommodations of 4 different types between rooms and suites, distributed in several houses in the village. Completely renovated, they maintain the rustic style and are elegantly furnished with antique furniture of poor art. They are decorated with handicraft products made according to the local ancient traditions, such as the famous woollen blankets, wrought iron objects and even candles. The culinary experience is also based on the gastronomic tradition of Abruzzo. Meals, based on fresh and genuine products, can be eaten at the two restaurants of Santo Stefano: “Il Cantinone” and “La Locanda sotto gli Archi”. Both have furnishings and tableware that evoke times gone by. The stay includes Abruzzo’s cooking lessons to learn the art of bread, homemade cakes and fresh pasta. All courses at Santo Stefano tell the secret techniques handed down from mother to daughter, to make the typical woollen blankets and fragrant natural soaps. Trekking, horseback riding, picnics and gastronomic itineraries, with meals in starred restaurants in the surrounding area, complete the offer of Santo Stefano for an authentic and different vacation.



20 Mq





Executive Suite



Locanda sotto gli Archi

The Restaurant has undergone restoration work from a strictly conservative perspective. The interior space is characterized by two large stone arches resting on supporting columns. The Abruzzo gastronomic tradition in the food project, starts from the exclusive use of native crops to the domestic presentation of the dishes on the plate. The tables and chairs predate the 20th century; the plates and ceramic tableware are handmade and inspired by research on ceramic use commissioned from the Museo delle Genti d'Abruzzo.


Il Cantinone

"Il Cantinone" of Sextantio Albergo Diffuso takes its name from the "cantina" or "fondaco," a symbol of traditional Abruzzo homes used for food storage and was located on the ground floor or basement. This place was fundamental in the agro-pastoral household economy. The cellar stored the wine cask, demijohns of oil, vinegar, pork sausages, aged cheeses in wooden cabinets, and vegetables prepared in oil in ceramic jars and glass jars. The offer of the "Cantinone" is enriched with the proposal of a few unique, simple and essential dishes belonging to local cultures.


Ideal location to enjoy a relaxing massage treatment with background music new age, fragrant oils, herbal teas and many candles. The hotel also organizes meditation, yoga and pilates courses, indoor or outdoor.


La Tisaneria

The Tisaneria matures in the same space as the store. Herbal teas prepared from local herbs are flanked by herbal teas made from non-native plants, but of great therapeutic value. The desserts offered are made for Sextantio in a historic workshop in S. Stefano di Sessanio. Prominent among them are the "ferratelle," a sweet symbol of Abruzzo's rituals.




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