Football Foundation


Project description

The multiple award winning programme launched in 2008, with the construction of a multipurpose sports facility, including a showpiece, a full-size, third generation (3G) FIFA standard artificial soccer pitch (sponsored by the English Premier League), situated at the cusp of traditionally segregated black, white and coloured areas of Gansbaai. This was achieved with the invaluable assistance of Sir Dave Richards, then chair of the English Premier League, (which still contributes funding to the project). Also participating to the programme the Overstrand Municipality, ABSA Bank and the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport. The Football Foundation runs football, netball, hockey and athletics training sessions in Gansbaai, Stanford and Hermanus, which engage approximately 2000 youths each week. In addition to these sessions, we also run programmes centered on HIV education, female empowerment, environmental education, proper nutrition, enterprise development and integration. With this flagship programme, Grootbos aims to uplift communities by empowering individuals through sports programmes, including accredited skills training and leadership opportunities, and simultaneously promote education, health, social integration and participation through sports.

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda

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